We don’t deny our roots.

Authentic imagery that captures who you are, not just what you do, keeping you connected with your audience. 


Personal Brand & Headshot Photography for Entrepreneurs, Creatives and Small Businesses

For me, it’s all about capturing who people, and their businesses, are at their core. Who we are drives what we do and how we do it and that is so much of what makes up a small business. With a small business, there is no one to hide behind- your clients want to get to know you and why you do what you do. They want to hear your story and where you’ve come from. That’s how they engage with your brand in a world that is shouting for their attention. This is where I step in, showing people who you are and how that drives what you do through my photography. I want to help you show your audience who you are at your roots.

Why not have a browse through my portfolio by clicking the button below? Or scroll down to find out more about me.

Photo of Me for squarespace.jpg

Hey I’m James Ajebon.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Now that you’re here, hopefully my business name makes a bit more sense! My business ‘Ajebon’ has been on quite a journey and it’s one I’d love to share with you.

My parents are Nigerian and so my name, by default, is also Nigerian. When I started my wedding photography business back in 2013, I played around with so many different branding ideas and decided to shy away from my African heritage, opting for my first names ‘James Richard’. I was worried that Ajebon would sound too foreign to my target market and would put people off. For quite a while I had that pang of regret but it’s actually given me a brilliant opportunity to use it for personal branding which I love. 

The ironic thing is that I am so often known as Ajebon, or a weird and wonderful variation of it! Jaj, Aj, Jajebon, Mr Bon are commonplace and for some reason, Abejon sneaks in there as well. My Nigerian ancestry is so much of who I am so it feels right to now have a little corner of the internet stamped with a part of me. 

The name itself was actually changed a few generations ago from Ajuebon, which means ‘we don’t deny our roots’. The meaning of a name is very significant in Nigerian culture and Ajebon certainly has significance to my personal branding business. Not only am I not denying my roots, but I am capturing those who are doing likewise. 

So my question to you is, who are you, at your core? What does your business represent at its roots? What do you really want people to know about you? I would love to hear from you and just spend some time understanding your vision. People love stories and I love to tell them through my photography. I would absolutely love to do that for you and provide you with clean, professional photographs that show the true you and your business at its best. Show people who you are at your roots.