Jon Penberthy

Photographing Jon at his marketing event was a great project to be involved with. A big part of Jon’s online marketing business is teaching others how to be successful online and he’s at his best when in front of a big group of people! Jon hosted other speakers such as Jubril Agoro who each brought something unique to the day. What’s so important when getting people along to events such as these is making sure they know the value of what they will be receiving. These photographs go a long way to helping future clients to picture what they can expect from a conference with Jon and his team. Jon wanted photos that he could use in future marketing, that would really showcase the vibe he creates at all the events he hosts. One thing I can say for sure if that you’re in for a fun day when you book on one of these conferences! Super informative at every step of the way but also a really interesting and engaging way to invest in your knowledge of marketing.

If you’d like to learn from Jon about how to be successful online click here!


Aidan Willis Films

